Because every heartbeat counts… We exist to be New York’s heartsavers.
instructor showing how to save a life when a person is choking
Our Mission Statement

Metro CPR NY’s mission is to be the lifeline of New York by providing a variety of training solutions for healthcare providers, organizations, companies, and anyone interested in learning life-saving techniques and tools.

About Metro CPR NY

Metro CPR NY is a provider of various training programs for basic life-saving techniques in New York. We offer classes to those in the healthcare field and those who are not healthcare providers looking to be equipped with knowledge on how to save lives through CPR, BLS, First Aid, and AED. Our training programs cover the needs of everyone including parents, schools, gyms, daycare centers, and nurses.

We are composed of a team of instructors who are well-trained and knowledgeable on CPR, first aid, AED, and other life-saving skills. Our members have real experiences in the field as emergency medical technicians and health professionals, firefighters, and more, which they can share with their students.

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Looking to be a lifesaver? Begin a class at Metro CPR NY today!
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